I spent last weekend in Steady Brook and Gros Morne doing some mountain biking and some camping... on my way from Steady Brook to Gros Morne, I was driving past Deer Lake when my Jeep suddenly hauled in (on it's own) to an interpretation center's parking lot... Then I realized why. My Jeep wanted to make a new friend. Check out their website. This young couple built this thing and drive around and explore the world. Very cool if you ask me.
I saw that thing drive past me out around rocky harbour....very cool rig.
i wave at dog walkers and pink vw bugs and michelle pfeiffer look-a-likes and folks dressed like harry potter and two person bikes and pissed off squirrels and butterflys and day lilies and jump ropers and hobos with shotguns but there is no way in hell i will wave at a liberty. that's just gay.